Thursday, February 21, 2013

Read The Most From Coast to Coast ...

I made a Read The Most From Coast to Coast poster with Eeshal.Do you know what that is ?
Well its when the whole United States try's to take the most AR tests!And we try to beat last years record do you want to know what the record is ok it's 3,581 ,992.Thats a lot isn't that ! It was fun making it.

Diving Into the Table of Contents ...

What did Alex think?

How about Kaitlyn?
Today I got to make a tabel of contents on a book. The book did not have a tabel of
conten's . My teacher askt me to make one. So I did. Some of my friends did one to.
It was cool and Osum. The book was calld African Elephants. We all did the same book I like to
do that. It was cool.

Mackenzie's take on the whole thing?
Today i made a table of contents it was fun and amazing .When you do a table of contents you have to think of some chapters for the book .some books are hard and easy and in the MIDDLE!
Normally In a nonfiction books have a table of contents and it tells what the number of the chapter. Do you like to read becose I do!

Hannah thought ...?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Name In Fractions


I had fun doing fractions .Fractions are fun.I know fraction likes 1 out of 2.I made my name coloful. I have 6 letters in my name.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Father of Our Country ... Red Hot Cherry Trees ...

Today we learned about George Washington and his contributions to our country. What better way to tie in a craft? Make the cherry tree that he chopped down with Red Hots and construction paper, add a silhouette of Washington himself with lined paper on it, and have students recall the facts they learned! Too fun!

Zoe's take on Washington ....

I made Washington father's cherry tree. the cherries were red hots the other thing are made out of paper.His nick name is father of our country . His head is on a quarter and a 1 dollar bill.he married a women named Martha. She is very wealthy.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Play-Doh Fractions

I Learned fractions and we did a play-doh thing and I did a fraction with play-doh and the fraction I did 1out of 8 and the reason It was a triangle was because it was suppose to be a pizza pie. that is why it is a triangle. It is so so so so so so so much FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to try agin because it was not the same size. There is a pitcher it looks fun doesnt it. Because it is by the way my name is Hannah. I really really liked this fraction thing.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Brush, Brush, Brush Your Teeth!

Thanks to Pinterest, of course, I found this cute hands on activity to show the power of brushing your teeth. I soaked hard boiled eggs all night long in coke and explained that this is a lot like their teeth. We brainstormed how we could get all that gunk off our teeth and the importance of it. Students then tried to brush the coke off the "teeth".

I think it was a success as I saw many disgusted faces and I heard lots of, "I am SO brushing my teeth tonight!"

Mackenzie's view of the experiment:

I learned that if you don't brush your teeth you can get a cavudy and you have to go to the dentis and have it fill it in. And I thought it was fun and excsiting. I thought it was awesome and the Best thing ever.I thought it was fun. I thought it was best thing!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Woo Hoo, 100 Days Smarter! Happy 100th Day of School!

It was a fun day in first grade today! Students rotated to different rooms for a different 100 day themed activity. They LOVED going to the different rooms and experiencing a different teacher! It was fun having the different students throughout the day but I was SO happy to get MY kiddos back! Best group around I tell ya!

Brandon's 100 Day re-cap:

Today is the 100th day of school! We went to Ms powers first. We made a old persn when we were 100. And we rote what are life wood be like.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Kids and Cops ... Officer Barnes!

Today Officer Barnes came to our class to share some safety tips about helmets.

Addison Shares With Us:
Today Officer Barnes came to are class and talked about some of these things...
Where your helmet when you are ridding your bike,shooter and other things. He also talked about ridding close to the grass in case a car comes then you can go up on it so you can be safe!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Our Awesome Achievers!

Today some of our awesome achievers came into the classroom showing off their certificates for completing Addition and Subtraction in under 2 minutes and 30 seconds!

It was cool I got 1 on addition and 1 on subtraction and I got a chocolate and caramel smelly sticker I finished one in 2 minutes and 15 seconds and the other was 2 minutes and 5 seconds
I love math!