In our classroom, we like to promote the students to show kindness to one another at all times. To promote great behavior and teaching math, we give each student ten-frames to collect their stickers. A sticker is given to students that are outstanding in the classroom by showing kindness and sharing with their peers. Stickers are also given for outstanding and over the top classwork. Our students strive to always do more than they have to do. Way to go First Graders!
Curtis' take on the event:
I am kind to others. I helped Alex get a new ten frame. I had 2+6 on my ten frame. I was like Martin Luther King Jr. When hebcouldn't find his tenframe, I had two tenframes. So I gave him 1 of my ten frames, and 8 of my stikers. And that's the way to be Kindness In The...CLASSROOM! GO KINDNESS IN THE CLASSROOM! YAY! Curtis will be there when...YOU NEED HELP! HOORAY!
Alex's take on the event:
HAPPY!:) Wen Curtis gav me the a new Tenframe! I felt HAPPY to!
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