Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It's Raining in First Grade!

Today the students got to make it rain! They were so amazed to learn a great deal about rain while also having fun! I found this awesome idea on Pinterest, of course! That's where I get most of my cool lessons. And look how easy it was to create. Fill a plastic cup with some water, then add some shaving cream "clouds" on top. We explained to the students that when clouds get full of water (during condensation) that they must let it rain to release the water (as precipitation). We added blue food coloring to the "clouds" and let it drop through the "clouds" to symbolize rainfall.

Akunna the Weather Girl Reports:
I saw some COOl things today! I never knew that when to much water got to heavy into clouds that it turns into precipitation. That's so cool! You won't believe what I got to make ... I got to make it rain in a cup! But it went down very SLOW!

1 comment:

  1. Very COOL! What a fun project for your kiddos! :) So happy you are using blogger now!!!
