Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Butterfly Lifecycle in Noodles

Hannah and Melanie's thoughts:

We did a Lifecycle in noodles. It was called a painted lady butterfly. The Lifecycle goes like this first is a egg. Next is a larvae. Third is a chrysalis with a .fourth is a BUTTERFLY!!! Then it goes over and over again.and that's the Lifecycle of a painted lady butterfly!

Kaitlyn and Macy thought:
A painted lady goes throw complete metamorphosis. All butterflies need to go in an a complete
cycle. Larvae gets fat and turns in to a pupae. A pupae is a chrysalis. It's kind of hard to explan a butterfly life cycle.

Łiterature Based Projects

Eeshal and Quintin
We made a lot of puppets. Our project was about recycling.It was a lot. I got tired but it was still fun.I made a sign that said go green.We also made a box it was fun and it was all fun and we
were learning too.

I made a tree do not cut it down. It is getting harder all the time but it is still fun.I love recycling.It is fun.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Pop Up Cards ... Cool!

What did Jake think?
I thought that it was awesome to make pop up cards for Ms.Sorbel for teacher appreciation week
And my pop up card had a heart for the pop up and it also it said you are amazing on the bottom.

Mackenzie's take on it?
On The pop up I Had written amazing . I put little yellow strips on the front of the pop up card to make it prity so we will like it. I had never ever made a pop up before! I thot it was new and very ,very cool to be new to do to me.The hull class made one they made one to.some ether people are going to blog as well and they are going to tell you about thers to !